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    News from The Australian Bonsai Gallery

    Work on an old Mikawa Black Pine

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     Autumn Pine Work - Japanese Black Pine - KuroMatsu 'mikawa'


    Another great day in the Bonsai Gallery working on one of the best quality bonsai I have ever worked on.

    We aquired this bonsai from the collection of Ian Hearn 2 years ago. This 'Mikawa' variaty of the Japanese Black Pine had been propagated (from Japanese seed), developed and refined by Ian since the early 1970's.

    I have noticed, over the past two years, that this variety is very different from the seedling Black Pines I have been developing over the past 4 decades.  They have darker green needles, very dense foliage with lots of adventitious budding; but the standout feature of this variety is it's rough bark that builds up into thick layers.

    Looking forward to many years of work with this one.!!

    japanese black pine mikawa 2022 04 02

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