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    News from The Australian Bonsai Gallery

    Black Pine Progress

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     Black Pine Refinement

    It is pleasing to see what can be achieved in just a few years.  This Japanese Black Pine has been a 'problem child' for some time now, after being developed from a one year old seedling more than four decades ago.!!

    We are finally seeing some real results after pursuing a set program for all of our Japanese Black and Red Pines.  The program is deceptively simple and satisfyingly successful after so many years of trying a plethora of 'text book' techniques.!!

    The Program Summary, pictured below, is part of a Black Pine Development & Refinement presentation on our website.  Link HERE

    It has taken many years to settle on a simple and effective refinement program for the pines in the gallery collection.  We are more than comfortable in sharing this program as we know that it works.!!


    kuro matsu semi cascade


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