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    News from The Australian Bonsai Gallery

    Pine Work

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    Pine Work with Blindness and Blinkers

    Some very satisfying work o this old Japanese Black Pine. I have named this one Zaidan財団 .  It means 'foundation' and represents the beginning of my bonsai journey so many decades ago. 

    This is a very strong tree both in it's appearance and in it's 'Shin', or heart.  It requires many hours of careful thinning, vigor balancing and wiring.

    Just as an aside, I came across a Facebook thread that was very critical of those who "blindly follow Japanese traditional bonsai" and who have "the blinkers on" when it comes to bonsai styling.  There were so many comments agreeing with this opinion and none that challenged it.!!  I felt like 'wading in' but thought it futile to attempt to explain the absolute satisfaction and 'calm' that comes from following the traditional way of bonsai.

    The bonsai in this image would, in my opinion', be a classic example of "blindly follow Japanese traditional bonsai" and having "the blinkers on".!

    I revel in my blindness and blinkers.!!!!!

    japanese black pine bonsai 2023 summer

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