Welcome to The Australian Bonsai Gallery

    If you would like to share our passion, or learn about the art of bonsai, contact our gallery in Dorrigo.
    We are open 'By Appointment' so please call first. Thanks.

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    The Bonsai Gallery 盆栽ギャラリー

    The Bonsai Gallery houses some 46 mature show quality bonsai; some more than 100yrs old, most 35 - 70 years old. Most of the bonsai have been started as cuttings or seedlings, field grown to develop some size, then container grown to promote a refined style and root system.

    The trees are large!... some well over 120cm high..

    We built the Bonsai Gallery to showcase the best bonsai in the collection. The gallery features many fine specimens of Japanese Black, Red, and White pine, Trident and Japanese Maple, Swamp Cypress, Ficus species, Chinese Elm, Sequoia, and many more.

    If you have an interest in all things Bonsai than here we have a small sample of what to expect at the gallery.



    australian bonsai gallery beginner workshops

    australian bonsai gallery intermediate workshop

    australian bonsai gallery advanced workshops

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    Japanese Bonsai Tour 2016

    The Omiya Bonsai Village (大宮盆栽村, Ōmiya Bonsaimura) in Saitama City is a tranquil neighbourhood two train stations north of Omiya Station. Multiple bonsai nurseries and a superb bonsai art museum are situated along the district's peaceful paths. Private houses in the area typically have a collection of bonsai in their gardens.
    In October 2016 we spent an unforgettable day in the village. We booked a tour through Yoshihiro Nakamizu. Yoshi san met us at our hotel in Tokyo. After visiting Kimura's garden, we had a great Japanese lunch at Bonsai Restaurant Omiya.
    Omiya Bonsai Village has five bonsai gardens and a bonsai museum. The quality of the bonsai of Kimura, Yamada and Kato san was of the highest level.
    Yoshi also introduced us to Kunio Kobayashi who owns a bonsai museum closer to Tokyo. Kobayashi san has more than 1,000 bonsai, again, of a quality we could not have imagined.


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